Espresso Float with Chocolate Ice Cream

Somebody ordered an espresso float with ice cream when I was standing in line in a cute local coffee store.  I copied his order.  And guess what?  I was hooked immediately!  How come I never thought about pairing ice cream with espresso together? 

It is really easy and simple to DIY it at home too. 

Ingredients:(1 serving)

2 shots of espresso
1 to 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream
caramel sauce (optional)


Make double shots espresso with espresso machine.

If you find double shots are too strong, switch to single shot.

Add a big scoop of chocolate ice cream.  You can use any other flavor ice cream too.  I think chocolate ice cream is a better choice to go with espresso than other ice creams.

There is no way I am going to stop at 1 scoop.  I must have 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream!O(∩_∩)O~

I made my own chocolate ice cream too so that I can make sure I get real dark and intense chocolate flavor in the ice cream.  Top it with homemade caramel sauce.  It goes so well with freshly pumped espresso coffee.

Light Espresso Caramel Frappuccino

This is my own version of light espresso caramel frappuccino.  It is really quick and easy to make; takes less than 2 minutes to make.  And what is important is it is totally as tasty as the ones you can get from coffee shops. O(∩_∩)O~ 

Ingredients: (for 2 servings)

3 shots espresso coffee
1/4  to 1/3 cup caramel sauce (use more if you have sweet tooth)
2 cups ice cubes
1 cup whole milk



I start with making fresh espresso shots.  What I am using is Breville 870XL .  FYI, it is a good home use espresso machine. 

It is gridding coffee beans

Tamper a little bi

The espresso shots come with beautiful thick crema on to

Add espresso, ice, caramel sauce and milk to vitamix blender

Blend until everything comes together and the coffee is smooth.  

The tamper can help it blend more evenly. 

Pour into a glas

This one is min

Top with extra caramel sauce.  I make my own caramel sauce.  O(∩_∩)O~ 

All you need is a straw!  

Cold Brew Coffee


Cold brew coffee has suddenly popular in my area.  For a couple times I stand in line in Starbucks to order a Grande cold brew coffee but only to be told they are sold out.  Really?  For the third time, I finally got one.  I was hooked as soon as I took a sip.

Cold brew coffee is milder than regular coffee due to its non heat process.  Also because of that, it has brighter, lighter, smoother, and a hint of citrus flavor.   What I love about it the most is that coffee has a strong chocolate note.  With lot of ice cubes to cool down in hot summer time, I now understand why they are always sold out. 

So I decide to make it at home.  It is easy and simple to make your own cold brew coffee.  It takes between 12 to 24 hours.  So you just got to be patient.  In the end, you will see the wait is worthy. 


85 g coffee beans
2 1/2 cups cold water
ice cubes
whole milk (optional)
simple syrup, maple syrup, or caramel sauce(optional)



Coarsely ground the coffee beans with coffee grinder.  Add to a large glass jar.

Add cold water while whisking.  Cover the jar with its lid.  Allow it to sit on countertop for 12 to 24 hours.  The longer it sits, the better flavor it will develop. 

Drain through coffee filter.  Now you have a bottle of coffee concentrate. 

Fill your glasses with ice cubes.

Add cold brew coffee

The smell is great.  

Now you have two cups of cold brew coffee O(∩_∩)O~

I love adding whole milk and syrup to my cold brew coffee.

The moment when milk hits coffee, it is so beautiful.

Sometimes I use simple syrup.  But caramel sauce is always my favorite.  BTW, I make my own caramel sauce too. O(∩_∩)O~

Now it is time to enjoy a cup of great cold brew coffee.

Grab a good book, you will have a nice relaxing afternoon. O(∩_∩)O~ 

Blueberry and Watermelon Smoothie

中文菜谱: 西瓜蓝莓沙冰

Summer is coming, along with watermelons!  O(∩_∩)O~ 

We love watermelons.  Who doesn’t?  They are sweet, juicy and so refreshing in the hot summer time.  Besides cutting and serving them in slices and cubes, I love adding watermelons into my drinks.  They are sweet and mild flavor which makes they go great with pretty much most fruits. 

I make watermelon and blueberry smoothie.  It is so easy that the whole process takes less than 10 seconds.  Simple and delicious, that is my kind of drink.  O(∩_∩)O~ 

Ingredients (for 1 serving) :

2 cups watermelon, cut into small cubes
1 cup ice cubes
1 cup frozen blueberries


I use frozen blueberries from what we picked in local blueberry farms.  I love blueberries so much that we never stock up enough to last until the next blueberry season starts.

Add watermelon cubes to the vitamix first, followed by ice cubes and frozen blueberries.

Turn on vitamix , blend on high speed until smooth.

It is very smooth and beautiful color too.

Pour into a glass.  Serve immediately

This icy watermelon and blueberry smoothie is a real treat for hot summer O(∩_∩)O~


Lemonade with Chia Seeds

Recently chia seeds have been really popular that several friends recommend it to me.  It is gluten free, high in fiber, antioxidants, protein, omega-3, but low in calories.  All in all, it is a super health food.

I like to add chia seeds to my drinks.  Those tiny seeds are almost flavorless so that they pretty much go with everything.

I bought some cute and beautiful fresh lemons from local farmer’s market.  I make lemonade with them and add chia seeds.  And it is awesome! O(∩_∩)O~


4 lemons
3/4 to 1 cup sugar
3 to 4 tablespoons chia seeds
6 to 8 cups of water
fresh mint


Roll the lemons on a board for a few seconds.  It helps to make more lemon juice.  Cut each lemon in halves.  Use a citrus squeezer to squeeze out the lemon juice.

3 lemons can make 1/2 to 2/3 cup lemon juice.

Heat 1 1/2 cups of water until it boils.  Add sugar.  Whisk until sugar dissolves.  Allow the simple syrup to cool down to room temperature.

In a large bowl, mix lemon juice, simple syrup, remaining water and chia seeds with a whisk.

Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

Thinly slice 1 lemon.

Stir in ice cubes, mint, and lemon slices.

It is the taste of summer! O(∩_∩)O~